The Benefits of Baby Massage for Sleep

Massage is a great way to help your baby relax and get ready for sleep. Learn about the benefits of infant massage and how it can help improve your baby's sleep.

The Benefits of Baby Massage for Sleep

Massage is a great way to help your baby relax and get ready for sleep. Research has shown that regular massage can help regulate your baby's circadian rhythms, allowing them to sleep more at night and be more active during the day. According to the National Sleep Foundation, massage triggers the production of serotonin, which helps the body and mind to relax. Studies have also shown that massage can improve human sleep, including that of babies.

Giving your baby an infant massage can be a great way to bond with them and help them drift off to sleep. You can create a calming atmosphere by dimming the lights, playing soft music, and using a comfortable surface for your baby. You can also try placing your baby on their stomach for a brief massage, although some babies may not like this position for long periods of time. If you're looking for more ways to help your baby relax and sleep better, you can try a combination of baby massages, baby yoga, and reflexology tutorials.

These techniques can help relieve common childhood ailments such as wind, colds, digestion, and sleep. When giving your baby a massage to help them sleep, there are some things you should consider. For example, if your baby is in pain due to teething, you can gently massage their cheeks until they fall asleep. You can start giving your baby massages from birth.

There are specific short massage routines for 0-4 weeks old babies, 4-8 weeks old babies, and 8 weeks old babies and up. Massage helps increase serotonin levels in babies, just like a weighted sleeping bag does through deep tactile stimulation. If your baby has any underlying health problems or if they cry or push their feet away when you touch them, talk to their doctor before trying infant massage. A gentle massage can also help increase melatonin levels in babies at night, allowing them to sleep better.

It's important to remember that baby massage is not the same as adult massage done on an infant - you should use very light pressure and focus on providing therapeutic touch rather than exerting pressure.

Betty Khan
Betty Khan

Wannabe web geek. Lifelong entrepreneur. Freelance bacon expert. Avid zombie nerd. Extreme bacon scholar.