Can a Baby Feel a Massage in the Womb?

Massage during pregnancy has many benefits for both mother and child. Learn how massage therapy affects life in the womb.

Can a Baby Feel a Massage in the Womb?

Massage during pregnancy has many advantages for both mother and child. It can reduce stress hormones, such as cortisol, and increase levels of endorphins and serotonin, which relaxes muscles and promotes a state of well-being. Research conducted with both adults and children shows that massage therapy can be beneficial in helping expectant mothers relax and feel more connected to their baby, as well as treating prenatal depression and potentially reducing the risks of premature birth. At 22 weeks, babies may feel pain, and at 26 weeks they may move in response to rubbing a hand on the mother's belly.

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine advises all pregnant women to consult with their doctor before trying massage. We have been performing a deeper version of this abdominal massage in prenatal clients for many years. Continuing education classes and workshops that specialize in pregnancy massage vary widely in terms of the amount of training and hands-on experience provided. To foster a deeper connection, consider talking to your baby during the massage, so that you know how you will care for and protect them when they arrive.

He is a professional member of the American Association for Massage Therapy and the New York State Society of Medical Massage Therapists. The first trimester carries a higher risk of miscarriage, and some therapists worry that increased blood flow during a massage may be harmful. However, some experts in pregnancy massage argue that pregnancy massage does not in itself cause a miscarriage, but no research has been done to show a link between a massage and a miscarriage. Abdominal massage has a powerful hormonal and emotional component that makes it a tremendously useful self-care practice.

Not all states have laws that require a set minimum training for a massage therapist, regardless of whether the therapist's client is pregnant or not. Good or bad, healthy or unhealthy, whatever activity you participate in, whatever food you eat, how you act, think and feel, are all transmitted in one way or another to the baby. Researchers have found that babies from 21 weeks of gestation show a response to their mother's touch from the outside. Pregnancy is a time for babies to meet the people who will be important to them in the outside world.

Betty Khan
Betty Khan

Wannabe web geek. Lifelong entrepreneur. Freelance bacon expert. Avid zombie nerd. Extreme bacon scholar.